It's funny-- now that we have Will in our lives, Libby doesn't seem like such a little baby anymore. She turned 16 months on June 1st and the more we look at her, the more we realize she's a toddler. She's definitely showing us that she's old enough to have opinions and she tells us what they are! She keeps us laughing and we love her energy and silliness. It's a joy to be her parents.

About our other little joy: When I came home from the hospital today, there was a package on the front step for Will. It said, "William 'the
Conquerer' Thomas". Obviously I am pretty emotional because it made me cry (happy tears). It was a reminder to me that he is a little
conquerer and it was perfect that it came today after my time with him.

He's been more interested in sucking the last couple of days which is fantastic. I feel like he's getting some idea about how to eat. The nurse tonight said that while she was trying to get his temperature, she kept feeling his mouth on her hands and he would start sucking. She was impressed. I noticed it today, too, but he was using his own hand.

Because he was so interested in his hand, the nurse said I could give him his pacy while he was getting his food. Yesterday his heart rate fell almost as soon as he tried to use his pacy but today he used it proficiently and had no problems. Such a conquerer. The nurse tonight mentioned to me that he was sucking away on pacy during his feeding time and he wasn't having any problems.

Will gained weight again tonight-- 57 grams! He's at 3 pounds, 12 ounces. I asked his nurse if anyone was worried about the weight gain he's had all week and she said no. If he'd had a period of time where he was not able to gain weight, this might be catch up time for him. His tummy is soft, he's having regular diapers, his vitals are good. Again-- daring to be excited.

I'd hate to say not to pray for his weight gain, but I think whoever is reading this blog is working overtime!!
Please do continue to pray for Will: continued (healthy) weight gain, protection from infection, no brightness around the triangles in his brain and stable and consistent breathing. In this coming week, we'd like to be able to see him off the Vapotherm and starting to breastfeed. I know this is all in God's timing, but it doesn't hurt to be specific about our requests.
Thanks for all the ways you are encouraging us and our extended family!
Dear Lor, specific is good! Wow, he is just improving so much everyday. We thank God for His faithfulness right there in that little isolette, His great hands holding him ever so gently. Psalm 42, Deep calls to deep at the sound of Thy waterfalls. All Thy breakers and Thy waves have washed over me. Thou hast commanded Thy lovingkindness in the daytime, and Thy song will be with me in the night, a prayer to the God of my life. Alleluia!
Will is the conquerer, Libby is the explorer, Andrew is the rock and Lori is the keeper of her sheep. You are all doing so well. God is good! Thank you so much for time with Libs. She makes us smile!
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