If you see the picture below, you are looking at 5lb, 4oz baby. How is that possible? He's huge! In fact, I am afraid he'll get a complex from all of his nurses discussing how fat he is. But it is pretty adorable to see his chubby cheeks and double chin! I love it! He's also only had one low
heart rate since Friday at 8:30am. We're hoping he keeps his streak going but he may start having more as the caffeine works out of his system. It is a seven day process which ends on Monday.

He did a great job nursing today at 12:00pm and 3:00pm. The fact that he nursed two times in a row shows great improvement. He also had some milk in his stomach when the nurse checked him before she gave him his 45cc of milk.

Will had his second bath today. I wasn't any more confident this time with a slippery preemie in my hands, but he was
noticeably bigger than last week. We had to take out five containers of water so that his ears wouldn't be submerged. He's almost outgrown his Tiny Tub!

Will's big excitement for today and the night before last is that he was held by two grandparents. My mom (Nanny) and my dad (Papa). They were just a little bit happy! If you know my dad, you can appreciate what restraint he showed by not "chewing his cheeks" although he promises to do it in a couple of months! Will can't wait to feel the arms of the rest of his grandparents in the next week or so! I think two holds a week is all I can handle right now though-- it makes me nervous still!

We're so pleased with his weight gain and his successes with nursing. We're still praying for those things and for a clear ultrasound and protection from infection. Next week, he will be circumcised. The good thing is that he'll be in the hospital for the days following the procedure so the nurses will help me with cleaning and taking care of the area.

This week my sweet friend will be here for most of the week to help with Libby. She lives in AZ but she and her husband are spending the summer at her parents' house in OH and she was more than willing to offer some days to help us (when she could be sitting at the pool!). How sweet! And another example of God's provision to us.

Speaking of Libby, We were able to go to the park with her today for a little while and play. I think it does us all a lot of good to laugh, swing and slide! I am seeing more and more similarities between Andrew and her (see picture).

Thanks so much for your prayers and support.
1 comment:
Great news, looks like Nanny and Papa really enjoyed their hugging time. Be strong and let your heart take courage Lor, all are safe in Jesus. We love you! Heidi and Mike
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