Yesterday was a day of milestones for Will. First of all, his
Vapotherm came out in the morning. It was great to look at his sweet face without the tube running across it. It's also much easier to hold him.

Next, he met his big sister for the first time. I can't say much about it because the pictures speak for themselves. Of course, as I am sure is not unbelievable, I wanted to cry but held my composure for the pictures.

Libby loved "baby" and wanted to hold his hand and feet. She also wanted his "
num" (pacifier) but we all know how Will feels if he doesn't have the pacy close at hand.

Our family picture is now perfect. I can't wait to print it out and put in on the refrigerator.

The final milestone for Will was that he topped the scales at 4 pounds!!! We are so excited. I didn't have camera handy or I would have documented to the moment but it was pretty amazing and I was so proud of him. He's on a roll.

I can't help but feel how appropriate this verse is for yesterday's milestones: "When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?" (Psalm 8:3-4) It is amazing to the think that God put in place and maintains such huge systems in the universe but then is also concerned about Will. He is able to care for a tiny baby and all the systems in his body.
We are still praying for Will's breathing-- especially now that he's off the Vapotherm-- for the brightness around the triangles in his brain to disappear, for protection from infection, and for continued weight gain. For us as his family, we are still dependent on a lot of people for help with Libby. Please pray for the details of each day to fall in to place for her care during this time.
1 comment:
Praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow! We are so pleased to hear of Will's progress, especially today, his uncle's birthday. How wonderful, how glorious! It was great to see you altogether, one family. It won't be long Lor, we'll continue in prayer for him and know that soon he will be able to go home with you. All our love, Heidi and Mike
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