It is the birthday of one of Will's namesakes. My brother Ryan, who passed away nearly 12 years ago, would be 31 today. There are so many of Ryan's qualities that I want Will to have as and when he grows up. I want him to love Jesus and make his siblings feel like they are his best friends. I want Will to be strong, compassionate, determined and I want him to have curly brown hair. I think he's already exhibiting strength in a difficult situation-- the one particular quality that I think reminds me of Ryan already. And today I am so thankful that Will shares the name of someone I loved so much and am glad that such a deserving little boy carries Ryan's name.

Will graduated to a new nursery. I think it would be called the Special Care nursery as opposed to the Acute Care nursery. He now has five other roommates and none of the babies are on any sort of supportive therapy (ventilators, Vapotherms, etc). He still has his heart monitor and pulse ox sensor plus his NG tube. He was so awake this afternoon-- awake in order to show off as I attempted to change his diaper. I think I went through three while trying to catch all the surprises he was throwing my way. Boys are much more challenging than girls in that department.

This week Will is able to try breastfeeding. My fervent prayer is that he would be successful. Please continue to pray for Will's breathing, for the brightness around the triangles in his brain to disappear, for protection from infection and for continued weight gain. Tonight his weight was 1852 grams... almost 4 lbs, 1 oz. You'd think after nine days of continuous weight gain I wouldn't hold my breath every night on the phone when I call the nurse. I can't help it. We are so thankful for this streak though and pray that it continues. Maybe when he's 10 years old and 300 lbs. I'll take the request off the blog!
What a beautiful tribute to Will's Uncle Ryan! It is SO wonderful to hear that Will is doing so amazing and continually gaining weight! I'll keep praying with you for weight gain...even if he is 300 lbs by 10! I love your family pictures from the previous post. What a blessing! You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
Happy birthday to Ryan! I am happy you have a little boy to name after him! I am sure he will be amazing just like his uncle! Will is definitely filling out and so cute! What a blessing his weight gain has been!
Will looks so good Lor! Do I detect a little of Uncle Ryan in him? And a bit of Uncle James as well. Give him a kiss from Aunt Heidi today:)
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