Our baby is getting so old. He's had his first graduation moving from the Newborn 1 nursery to the Newborn 2 nursery. They considered him sub-intensive care now. We're so proud!

Andrew went to see him this morning before work. They put Will back on his Vapotherm last night around 3am because his oxygen saturation kept decreasing. His nurse said he's on 23% oxygen for now. We're always thankful for the wisdom of his doctors even though we feel like it's a step backwards for him. His little body had a lot to keep track of and this will help keep his lungs open and make it easier for him to take deep breaths.
Please pray for saturation levels to increase and stay consistent so he can come off of the Vapotherm. Also, please pray that I would be able to get more sleep. I am having a hard time settling down because my mind goes a million miles a minute. I know sleep is the best thing for me now because when Will gets home I will be nursing him every three hours and taking care of Libby... and I think I am tired now!
A friend who has been through this before said to delight in Libby when I come home from seeing Will. It was such good advice and Libby is delightful. She makes me laugh as I watch her move around the house. I can't imagine what is going on her little mind! I am so thankful for her.
I'll update again this afternoon after we talk to the doctor.
You left that update at 4:22 AM!!!! I will definitely be praying for a calm mind and a peaceful sleep for you!
I'm with Kris on that one! He looks wonderful in the picture Lor, and we will continue to pray for his saturation levels. Congrats to him for his graduation also, that is excellent news. And it is ok if you need something to help you sleep, that is very important that you get your strength up for him, Libbs and Andrew. Don't hesitate to ask your doc if that would be alright.
Yeah! It makes me so happy he is doing so well! I can totally relate to how delightful Libby is--they are so adorable and hilarious at this age!
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