I'll try to keep this updated with Will's latest info. We are so amazed as we watch God's hand in the details. We are trusting Him for strength through this time in our lives.
Will's working on getting rid of his jaundice. He peaked yesterday with a level of 12 after being at 6. They would like it to be below 1. They'll keep him in there for a few days and will test again in 2 or 3 days to see what his bilirubin level is. The doctor said Will is enjoying time at the beach right now.
He is receiving 9 cc of breast milk every 3 hours. They'd like for him to have a bowel movement so that we know his digestion is working. It would also help bring down his bili levels.
He is breathing pretty well on his own. He's only had one episode where the nurse had to intervene to help him get back on track. If he has 7 or 8 in a 12-hour period, they'll put him back on the Vapotherm which is a tube in his nostrils that helps keep his lungs inflated.
He's going to breast as often as I am there for his feeding time. He was able to latch today but the sucking, swallowing, breathing routine is a little too much for him right now. Mostly they want him to become familiar with the smell. He's like a little kitten and just licks and sniffs. It's so cute (although I won't be posting pictures of that!).
We're taking his situation day by day. Thinking any further ahead and playing with "what ifs" does not help right now. We do know he's projected to come home in 6 weeks from delivery so we're hopeful that stays the same but we want him to stay in the NICU as long as he needs to be cared for there.

We are so thankful for our friends and family who have offered to drive me back and forth to the hospital, take turns watching Libby with me since I can't lift her for 6 weeks, clean, run errands, cook and do yard work. It is very hard to feel so helpless but I am incredibly grateful for loving friends and family who are giving so selflessly and we are humbled by all of this love. He's already had so many visitors!
If you'd like to pray for Will, pray for his bowel movements! Pray for his breathing regulation and pray that he would be protected from infections (his worst enemy right now).

Andrew is splitting time between work, the hospital and home. Libby is delighting in all the attention! We thought this was hilarious this morning. Nanny doesn't want her to cry too much at night so she brought her in bed with her. Libby is obviously a bed hog!
We'll keep you posted!
1 comment:
I put little Will's name on the Washington D.C.'s temple prayer roll. It is a list where everyone who goes to the temple prays for the names on the list. Hundreds of prayers coming your way!
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