After a good night of sleep and time of snuggling with Libby, Andrew and I headed to the hospital while Libby went to church with my parents. We tried to get there in time for rounds, but since he's graduated to the #2 nursery, we haven't figured out their schedule yet. Dr Fike doesn't write in Will's bedside journal on Sundays (or any of the babies) for whatever reason but there was a note for us today. She said they would increase his feeds tomorrow, that he looked good and that he threw a huge fit during rounds because he lost his pacy. She was very impressed by the temper tantrum and the intensity with which he sucked at his pacy (once it was returned). His nurse said she thought it was the baby in the next room because Will was so loud. I have to say that, as a parent, I've never been proud of Libby for dissolving into tears in public places but I was so happy about all the commotion Will caused this morning.

His tummy was back to normal when I called the nurse last night. He just needed more
poopy diapers. Thanks for your prayers about that.

My parents came by last night and Papa held Will's hand for the first time. The morning Will was born, I called my dad to come and take me to the hospital. When he got to our house, the door was locked and I was in too much pain to get up and open it. Eventually, I scooted over to the door and as I did my water broke. When I unlocked the door, my dad came in, scooped up a sobbing Libby, dialed 911, called Andrew, my mom, and rode with me to the hospital. He really was Superman that day and it was very special to see his big hand on Will's tiny one.

Libby is doing well in the midst of all of this. We missed a friend's birthday party the weekend before Will was born because I was on
bedrest but her mom was sweet enough to drop off Libby's party bag. Inside, we found a ladybug cookie and let Libby eat it. It was so funny-- a welcome reprieve!

We're starting another week tomorrow and have a lot of friends coming in and out of the house. Please pray for a smooth week, for all the needs of driving and watching Libby to be filled and for Will's progress to be steady. The specifics for Will are still the same: protection from infection, fewer episodes of apnea, toleration of his feeds, and no brightness around the triangles in his brain.
Once again, we can't say enough how much we appreciate your encouraging posts, emails and prayers.
I don't think we have met, but my husband and I are friends with Brian and Sara. I wanted to let you know that we are praying for your family. Though our situations are quite different, we have also experienced the ups and downs that come with having a baby in the hospital for extended periods. Our hearts go out to you. We cheer Will on daily.
Raechel (Kevin and Keira) El-Hayek
We are so proud of all four of you for your strength, love and commitment. Hang in there and know you all are loved.
The Montys
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