Even though we had the disappointing news last night about Will's weight loss and I was really worried about what Tuesday would bring with Andrew going back to work, this morning we woke up to a "normal" day. Libby slept well through the night and even decided she wanted to snuggle with us in bed this morning. It was a great way to start the day.
When I went to visit Will this morning, both the nurse and the doctor were quick to explain that they weighed Will again this morning because neither of them could believe he lost that much weight. Whether the scale was wrong or all of the prayers for him worked, they said he'd only lost 8 grams instead of 200 and was at 1406 which just over 3 pounds. I was so excited and thankful for the good news.

The doctor also said they would take him off the bili lights tomorrow (which he had scooted off of tonight when we went to see him) and that he was at 24 cc and tolerating his feeds. Because I was alone today with him, we got to do a lot of cuddling. I sat with him for 2 hours and we both took naps. It was amazing! My sweet grandpa is driving me back and forth this week while he and Grandma are here with us and, when I went to tell him I was ready to go, the receptionist said he also had a good nap!

Andrew and I went back tonight and his IV was out. That's a huge relief but he might be sad his caving days are over for now. His weight was 1443 which is a huge gain! He is about 3 lbs 3 oz. I held him again tonight for a long time and we both slept again. He's so warm that it's hard to keep my eyes open... and I guess I am a little tired, too!
They are going to run his PKU again tomorrow when they stick him for his bili level because the part of the PKU that measures his adrenal glands came back slightly elevated which happens in almost half of the preemie boys. If he had a problem, his numbers would be in the thousands. His was 150. The doctor wasn't worried at all but wanted me to know about the elevation.

Libby did a great job today with our friends here. She was also able to play with her cousins which always makes her happy. She loves being outside and Great-Grandpa indulges her love of being chased and tickeled when they are in the yard. We've been getting a lot of phone calls and emails which is so amazing to know how much we are loved. I guess Libby has been picking up on how conversations go because the other day she had someone's cell phone to her ear and she said, "Hello...no... bye-bye" and shut the phone.
Our prayer request for tonight is for continued weight gain, protection from infection and normal PKU results tomorrow. Also, a great prayer would be for boredom which the doctor said would come after the IV came out. Nothing big should change for a few weeks since he probably won't be able to nurse until 33 or 34 weeks. For Libby, please pray that she would take good naps for whoever is here and that she would be having so much fun with our friends that she wouldn't miss me. I'm not that much fun anyway since I can't pick her up and hold her so she's happy to go to someone who can. It's a huge blessing that she's so social! Please pray for Andrew's work schedule that he would find a balance between home, hospital and the office. Pray for my continued healing and that my focus would remain of God's faithfulness to us no matter what.
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