Will and I were sitting in his hospital room while he recouperated from his adventure in the OR. He happily played with the container that my chicken salad sandwich came in and fussed at me when I forgot to give him a bite of the sandwich. He flirted with his nurse. He enjoyed some chocolate pudding. I'd say he's on the mend! (He especially hammed it up for Nanny.)

The surgery went well. We'll wait a month and go back to the doctor for an x-ray to see if the stone is gone. He'll have a stent in for six weeks and will be on antibiotics during that time. The bonus of that situation is that we may not have any ear infections for six weeks! After the six weeks, he'll have another surgery to remove the stent (barring any problems during that time).

After surgery, Will did okay. His pnuemonia stirred up a little problem but he's fine. He was in more pain than I realized he would be and broke out in a stress rash while he was still in recovery which was unusual. He seems to be comfortable now but he's been pretty miserable off and on. He perked up for his visitors: Papa, Daddy, Libby, Papa Jim and Nanny. He really loved seeing his sister and she said (as she kissed and then patted his head), "I'm so sorry you had surgery, Will-Will." And then she looked at me with a very sincere expression and said, "I wish I was a doctor so I could help Will." Such a sweetheart! I told her she could be a urologist when she grew up if she wanted to but she thought the name was too funny and didn't think it was a good idea anymore.

We had a glimmer of hope that we'd go home tonight but since he's had a rocky start with recovery, we're spending the night. It's a good thing we did because while his nurse was changing his diaper, she found he's already started passing pieces. TMI, you say? Not at all! This means the surgery was probably a success... but we still have to wait.

And so we wait, too.
1 comment:
Libby is sweet...although I would definitely consider a different field than Urology (:
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