And so…
Will had an appointment with an eye doctor at Children’s Hospital in
Libby and I celebrated birthdays. She turned two and I turned 30. My mom and my sister-in-law took me out for a spa day and then surprised me with a birthday lunch complete with so many of my “sisters”. I was stunned and felt so privileged to be surrounded by such sweet friends. Those friends were a big reason we survived Will’s hospital stay. They cleaned my house, brought meals, watched Libby and sat with me during some long hospital nights. Because they shared the heartaches and joy of that experience, the lunch was particularly meaningful. What a great way to mark the beginning of a new decade!
On our birthday, Andrew took the day off and Papa Jim, Libby and he went to see the cows. It was the highlight of Libby’s day! We took her to Chik-Fil-A for lunch because of all of the cows and play area. She loved that too! Later in the day, Grandpa and Grandma stopped by with gifts for the birthday girls
and Libby’s friend Laney brought her cookies and Dora balloons! Nanny came over for dinner bearing gifts, balloons and cake, too!
As she opened presents that night, she tried on every piece of clothing she opened. She loved the clothes from Grammy Chris!
Later that week, Will had his follow-up hearing test. He did fine for the first few minutes but when they started checking his left ear, he screamed so much they couldn’t finish the test. The next night, he woke with a fever of 103.7 and the next day, the doctor confirmed he had another ear infection. It’s cleared up now but just to make sure we’re going to the doctor on Friday. He has to be totally clear on infection and antibiotics for his blood work and surgery.
Since the birthday hubbub has subsided and my grandparents returned home, we’re preparing for Will’s surgery. It will be interesting to see how he changes afterwards. It will alter the way he looks and I am torn by that. His little crossed eyes are endearing and that’s the only way I’ve ever seen him. I know it will make it easier for him to chew on his hands and it will give him depth perception. I can’t imagine not seeing the world normally!
Libby and I have started going to story time at the library on Tuesdays. It’s been nice to have a weekly date with her and she loves the attention! Uncle James comes over to stay with Will and they have some bonding time. UJ is practicing his diapering skills on Will and most of the time the results are positive for all parties involved. When James and Merideth’s daughter arrives in June, he’ll be a pro!
I am really enjoying my Bible study on Wednesday nights. It’s been good to be around adults for one evening a week! This week it was my turn to talk about what God has been doing in my life. As it turned out, the people I am closest to in the study were gone so it was as if I was introducing myself to strangers. Although I talk about our life on the blog and to our friends and family, I haven't really had to start from the beginning with many people. Totally without warning, well, I should have seen it coming, I cried through most of the talk. Fortunately, everyone else cried too so I didn't feel that dumb. It was actually good to say outloud what I've learned over the last nine months and I was thankful that others were encouraged by it as well. But I am not sure I want to do that again any time soon!
As always, thanks for your prayers in the coming weeks. Not only do we have Will’s surgery on the 24th, the following weeks brings his neurology appointment (March 9th) and the rescheduled hearing test (March 11th). He’s pretty flexible but I do get a little overwhelmed with planning around the appointments and finding babysitting for Libby. I am so thankful for our family and friends who offer repeatedly to help and for Grandma who comes every Thursday for a couple of hours. That is such a gift!
The normal requests are that Will’s indwelling thumbs will “out dwell”, that his head lag will resolve and his ATNR will integrate. He still lacks a lot of core strength and it’s a slow process to build that in a baby. The biggest anxiety right now stems from the MRI. Please pray that we will be prepared for whatever the scan shows.
I’ve been reminded again this week of Psalm 18: 30-32.
As for God, his way is perfect;
the word of the LORD is flawless.
He is a shield
for all who take refuge in him.
31 For who is God besides the LORD?
And who is the Rock except our God?
32 It is God who arms me with strength
and makes my way perfect.
Now to remember that when my life seems a little too abundant…
Loved this post! I totally agree they should knock moms out if their kids are in surgery (fortunately I am married to the right man) (;
Ok this is Parker and i think James should name his baby
Ah Lor, thank you for the update. We have Will's surgery on the schedule! and are already praying in preparation for that. He will look so cute:) And he will be able to focus and see just how beautiful his mama is! You, my dear, are loved with an Everlasting Love, and underneath are the Everlasting Arms. They wrap all the way around you, Andrew, Libby and Wills. Love you, Heidi
It's hard to believe my little neice is 30! But you have grown into such a beautiful young woman, both outwardly and inwardly. I'm so proud of you. Your life is a testimony of God's great love and an inspiration to all of us. Keep living the abundant life! We love you dearly. La Verne
Lori! Thanks for your transparency and honesty. You are a blessing to each life you touch. Your words have encouraged and challenged me tonight. I think of you and your precious family often, but you will be in my thoughts and prayers even more in the days to come. Thanks for the update!
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