“I love you, O Lord, my strength.” Psalm 18:1

If I’ve learned nothing else in the four months since our sweet baby boy was born, I’ve learned that the Lord is my strength and apart from Him I can do nothing well. Whether it’s coping with the craziness of the NICU, dealing with surprising news, or being a loving wife and mom in the day-to-day of life, I need to be constantly reminded that the Lord is my strength.

Will had his four-month checkup last Friday. When I strapped him in to his carseat, he noticed the little toys hanging of the carseat handle. It was so cute because he seemed to be thinking, "I am not too sure about you!" He is 12 pounds, 5 ounces! Despite the thrush he’s been battling, he’s managed to gain weight faster in the last two weeks than he was before! He is really fussy from 7 pm until 10 pm almost every night so I am very thankful for Andrew’s presence now so we can trade off walking around and holding him.

We also had Will’s first official home physical therapy last week. His therapist was very encouraging and positive about him. He does have head lag and is weak in his upper body when he’s on his back. During tummy time, he can lift his head and he’s even rolled over a few times—I think it’s because the Thomas/Lawrence family combo makes children with very large heads that tip them over! Oddly, no one has concerns about his legs right now. It’s very disarming but we are thankful for these days.

I can’t begin to say thank you enough, ever, to those people in our lives who have and still are lifting us up in prayer, encouraging us with cards and emails, and who continue to walk beside us through the highs and lows of this time. I am SO humbled by the flood of support we’ve received. Thank you so much!

1 comment:
Love the tee shirt, GO BUCKS!
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