Despite my fear of being alone with the kids last week, things went surprisingly well. It is amazing how quickly a day goes by when you're constantly changing diapers, feeding, pumping, changing diapers, washing bottles and dishes, picking up toys, changing diapers, and reading books. I can honestly say that I have enjoyed this week as a mother more than any other week since Libby was born. To have both of my children at home with me is an amazing privilege.

Grandma Lyn and Cousin Reese came over on Thursday and took Libby for a couple of hours. She had been asking me all week to go bye-bye because she's gotten used to being out and about every day! She was happy for the excursion and I was happy to accomplish some things around the house while Will slept!

Will went back to the doctor on Tuesday when Libby had her 18-month Well visit. She is 26 pounds and 33 inches tall. She showed off many of her skills for Dr. McRaven and he thought she was doing well. Will gained 11 ounces since last Tuesday and is now a whopping NINE pounds! We are so thankful for his weight gain and it feels like further confirmation that we made the right choice as far as his feeding goes. Andrew's cousin Emily came with me and I am so glad she did since we were there for an hour and a half. She entertained Libby, fed Will and, most importantly, quickly figured out how much he weighed since the nurse didn't have the conversion chart with her!
Wow! You have had quite the full house! It is only right to have Libby love books with you as her mother (: I also love that she is dressed up in her turtle costume (:
One word came to mind while reading your post - "Blessed" - I so appreciate you keeping us "in the loop" about your family. It makes me feel like I'm not so far away....Always keep you in our prayers - the twins even know who Will is now as they pray for him every night before bed....{{{HUGS}}}
Lori, I so appreciate your blogs and pics. Your family is so precious, and it brings back so many many memories of being a young mom. We are so excited for our new grandchild due in April. Your pics and blogs only make me more anxious to get there! We continue to pray for you and your family. Love ya! Laura
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