Libby is adjusting fairly well to the "bee-bee". As soon as she wakes up from a nap or in the morning, she says, "Bee-bee?" I don't know if she hopes he is still here or if she hopes he's gone back to the hospital but she's very sweet to him. She likes to give him hugs and kisses and tickle his feet. She also likes to point out his eyes, nose and head but we've had to tell her not to stick her finger in his eye when she's naming that body part.
A part of me feels like the time in the hospital was all a dream and although we've only been out a week, it feels like we were never there. I am thankful for the last month we spent in the hospital because we were able to work through a lot of the fears we initially had when we received Will's diagnosis. I think if he would have come home earlier, we would have been more consumed with worry than with the joy of having him in our arms at home. When people who don't know our story ask how old Will is, I feel the need to explain that he's 11 weeks old but was born 10 weeks early so really he's only a week old. I am sure I'll get over that eventually.
We are amazingly blessed to be surrounded physically and in prayer by a host of people who love us and are so encouraging as we continue on in this phase of life. If we haven’t said so personally, thank you for your support, interest, prayers, meals, cards, gifts, and stories of hope you’ve sent our way.