We are eagerly anticipating the day when we can bring Will home. He is working at eating orally and it is a slower process than we'd like. He wasn’t due until July 27th so our expectations are that he'll come home close to his due date.

He is amazingly cute. He loves to coo and snuggle. He's finding his hands, likes to grab our fingers, kicks himself out of his swaddle and is VERY tooty (it's hilarious). He is having more awake time and it's fun to see him looking around at the world. He’s surpassed the 7 pound mark-- he's actually 7 pounds, 10 and a half ounces. His cheeks are chubby and he's getting fat on his legs. We are excited to bring him home, get to know him and integrate him into our family life. We can't wait to see who he will become.

He met his Grammy Chris for the first time a couple of weeks ago. He impressed her with his nursing skills taking the most he ever has while she was visiting him. We were so glad she stayed with us, watched Libby, did tons of laundry, snuggled Will, and grocery shopped. We've missed her last couple of weeks!

Between aunts, honorary aunts, grandmas and grandpas, Libby is being spoiled during the day while I am at the hospital. She is talking so much more in this last month. The other day she said, "Hi Nana!" and it was the first time I'd ever heard her say two words together (that we could understand). And now she’ll say, “Bye-bye, Mama” whenever I walk out of the room. She does seem to say "Libby do" quite often but it doesn't sound exactly like that.

Thank you for your prayers for our family. We've been processing a lot of information and accepting the "Wait and See" advice that we receive at every turn. We have no more answers than we did three weeks ago and that has been difficult. Our friends and family have been so gracious in giving us love and space. I know it's not an easy balance but it's what we've needed to work through this new experience.

Of course our prayer is for Will to take his full feedings and be able to come home. We are also praying for wisdom as parents of Libby and Will. It is our greatest pleasure to be their Mommy and Daddy.

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” Psalm 34:8
Thank you Lor, good update, wonderful photos. He is one of the cutest and sweetest little guys I have ever seen and I can't wait to meet him and hold him. Praying for you all always during the 'wait time.'
I cannot believe how much Will has grown! Right before our eyes! That is fun Libby is saying things--Clara just babbles a lot!
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